Label: "road construction"

gyorsforgalmi út, autópálya, autópályaépítés, sztráda, sztrádakoncesszió
January 09, 2025 11:36

New expressway to be built in Hungary

Pécs-Szigetvár expressway project resurrected

mohács duna-híd
August 30, 2024 10:15

Hungarian gov't commits nearly HUF 600 bn for a new Danube bridge and a new 4-lane expressway

Some projects are more important than others

December 19, 2023 10:13

Record expensive Hungarian motorway construction project announced

Minister of Construction and Transport wants to extend the M76 motorway

February 22, 2023 11:00

Hungarian gov't increases its share of the cost of certain local development projects

Due to the continued lack of EU funding

lázár jános debrecen
November 25, 2022 11:06

Hungary Minister of Construction and Investment reveals his important goal

János Lázár also spoke about priority public investments.

rogán antal parlament
May 06, 2022 22:06

Hungary announces winner of 35-year motorway concession

Mészáros and Szíjj won, but only because they are the best, says Rogán

szijj lászló duna aszfalt csoport
December 21, 2021 06:20

Western Europe is now ready, we need to build roads in the East - László Szíjj about Duna Aszfalt expansion plans

It was difficult to gain ground against the multinationals.

January 15, 2020 09:00

Hungary construction industry runs out of steam in November

Output volume down 4.5% m/m

Rendõrök helyszínelnek a 44-es úton 2015. június 26-án. A Kondoros és Békéscsaba közötti szakaszon egy kisteherautó és két személygépkocsi karambolozott. A balesetnek három sérültje van, egy ember a helyszínen meghalt.
October 03, 2019 11:19

Hungary opens longest stretch of road in past 17 years

The M44 section cost HUF 145 bn to build

September 11, 2019 13:30

EU grants Hungary massive funding for M30 motorway expansion

Long-awaited road connection to be established.

April 24, 2019 16:31

Hungary announces gigantic road construction scheme

Nearly half to be funded by the EU.

April 10, 2019 12:05

Motorway to be built between Debrecen and Békéscsaba

The government pledges in its transport strategy.

August 10, 2017 16:01

Construction industry on the rise

December 19, 2016 12:28

Hungary government gazettes unprecedented resolution

A HUF 306.8 billion budget overhaul in one sentence.